October 16th, 2010

October 16th, 2010

This entry is all about Bryson. He went on a sleepover birthday party for Mayson Woodard. Mayson loves to fish so Kevin took Mayson, Nick Ottmo and Bryson to Reed Ranch fishing. This is Bryson's summary:

I caught a big fish and it was called a bass and I went frog hunting and I caught a big catfish and I was jumping in the flowers and we was trying to shoot each other with a nerf gun. Mayson was the first kid that caught a big bass. Nick lost a nerf bullet. Kevin showed us the fishing poles that catch catfish.

That was an interesting read. huh? I typed and Bryson told me what words he wanted.

Thanks to Kevin Verner for taking these three boys outdoors. That is an awesome birthday party! It's not hunting, but it's in the same category.

Hopefully more stories next weekend... Kyle

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