First Hunt-November 10th 2012

Nov 10th was the first hunt for the Braley Boys.

MORNING-Randy was at the house when we were leaving...he kinda scared the crap out of me. It was like a horror movie. I was walkin got my truck when out of nowhere a truck fired up and i was in the headlights.

Randy' kids didnt want to get up so he invited Bryson to sit with him. Bryson jumped on the offer and Brock tried to as well. I think they would have both went if I had not made Brock come with me.

We arrived a tad late, but the wind was not in our favor. We sat until about 7:45 and them I had to go get Brylee cause Jess had somewhere to go. We saw 2 doe crossing the meadow from N-S but that was all.

Bryson and Randy had a button buck at this feeder for about an hour. Randy said Bryson wanted to shoot him and that don't suprise me a bit. They did see shooter8 on the drive in, but Randy is a very ethical man and passed on the gray area kill. He said it would have ben easy to take him, but that takes the sport out of it.

EVENING-We arrive dto our set about 3:45pm. The wind was howling out of the south. I get a text from Randy saing he saw some "NO TRESSPASSING" sign and purple paint on trees on the meadow. I text backl to him for a bit and finally decided to go investigate. After walking the woods...verry carefully...we decided it was the man who lives to the east of the meadow. I have made a call to him and he said he had his place surveyed last year and has definite boundaries marked. I plan on meeting with him soon to get more info. It really isnt a big deal now because he has some of thw woods claimed, but I will need to clairfy for George and Helen Sue's sake.

Until we hit the woods again...

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